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“Ambers Book Cub is something that I can do for myself. I do a lot for my clients. I think I give my job 150% and I think everybody gets to a point where they have to have like a passion project or some sort of purpose and I think me sharing the books that helped me get to where I am […] is probably the best advice or best form of mentorship I could ever give to anyone.”

Alexa Young, CA

ISSUE 16 “Generational Hustle”

earry hall

Written by Nubian Princess

DSRPT.: As a person who’s done it all, from design, creative directing and now a DJ, what has been your biggest take away from being in so many different industries?

EARRY: “My biggest takeaway is that people aren’t people without people. We need each other to be successful. We need each other for a deeper sense of happiness.”

DSRPT.: What’s your definition of community and what steps did you take to build one?

EARRY: “My definition of community is the family that we get to choose. My steps to creating community is first learning myself… I think the second step is spending time and creating spaces that help you spend time intentionally.”

DSRPT.: How has creating safe spaces for people made an impact on your life?

EARRY: “It started as me creating a safe space for myself. When I moved to LA from New York, I didn’t have much of a community…and I realized that my quality of life had drastically changed because of that void that I had in my life socially at that time. I was a workaholic and didn’t really have enough balance… so me creating community for myself was something that—honestly that’s where it all blossomed, figuring out what my needs were and then realizing that other people had very similar needs and figuring out how to service that or create that opportunity for a thought to connect in a way that was cool, organic and socially healthy.”


















DSRPT.: How did your mistakes along the way teach you lessons? How did your L’s turn into W’s?

EARRY: “I think all of our L’s are lessons, I don’t really believe in losses. I don’t think we lose, I think we learn. I think that’s us paying tuition for the knowledge that we acquire through life.”

DSRPT.: What advice do you have for someone trying to become an entrepreneur?

EARRY: “Understand that faith is one of the greatest attributes that you can have but it is a muscle that you have to grow and to allow yourself to be patient with faith. In entrepreneurship you are often taking a lot of risk, you’re often paying yourself last, you’re often investing in ideas that no one believes in yet and all those require faith.”

DSRPT.: After accomplishing so much over the years, what’s next for you?

EARRY: “Right now I’m really focused on team building, being a great teammate, being a great coach and being very coachable as well. I’ve also bought equity in two venues; a lounge and a club. Two legendary spaces that I kind of grew from….those two clubs are “The Association” and the “Continental Club”. I’m really excited about the goal that we have for those two spaces. The goal right now for both spaces are to really focus on social health and the power of community and engineering environments and experiences around the healthiest possible experience in building our community.”

“Us taking each other for granted is one of the quickest ways to disrespect the opportunity to be here.”

“Ambers Book Cub is something that I can do for myself. I do a lot for my clients. I think I give my job 150% and I think everybody gets to a point where they have to have like a passion project or some sort of purpose and I think me sharing the books that helped me get to where I am […] is probably the best advice or best form of mentorship I could ever give to anyone.”

Alexa Young, CA



Written by Nubian Princess

Interview by Kayla Blackman

DSRPT.: What are some of your favorite accomplishments you’ve done so far?

DESTO: “Investments, just making the right investments, like as far as my business…my family. My family and just really my company. Investing my money in the right things. Growing my family, taking care of my family.”

DSRPT.:  How did some of your losses inspire you to keep going? what lessons did you learn along the way?

DESTO: “I learn lessons with every L I take. The first event that I ever did, I probably didn’t sell anything. I probably didn’t make any money and what I learned from that was, man you should’ve just been giving that sh*t away just to get one sell.”



















DSRPT.: What’s been your favorite part about success?

DESTO: “The money. Success is great ya know but my success brought a lot of money. Being able to do things that I was never able to do.”

DSRPT:. After accomplishing so much, what are you expecting to shoot for next? What’s next for you?

DESTO: “I don’t know this year I’m trying to get a store in New York. I need to be building in other places…then after that I want a store in every major city and I want to establish some kind of like economic system for my brand and my family to be able to make money no matter where we lay our heads at.


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